
Journey Builder Steps

The Journey Builder is the engine that powers ServiceBell automations. Everything from custom greetings and qualification questions, to routing and alerts, stems from Journeys.

Journey steps are the building blocks of your Journeys. This guide walks you through every Journey step, so you can create engaging Journeys for every website visitor.

Greet Visitors

You can greet new visitors to your site, and welcome return visitors who’ve not yet engaged with your Journey. Make your engagement friendly and personalized, since it’s your first impression.

Greetings generally encourage visitors to take action - either requesting a chat with an agent, booking a demo, opting-in to a gated resource, or answering qualification questions.

Send a Message

You may not always want to ask questions or have visitors take action, but rather, send a conversational message as they navigate your Journey.

For example, make a conversation feel genuine by sending a message to users before asking your next qualification question:


Qualify Visitors

ServiceBell Journeys are perfect for qualifying visitors. Ask visitors for their:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Company name
  • Employee count
  • Use case
  • Interests
  • More

Asking visitors for their email is the most common qualification question you’ll ask. Once a visitor submits their email, ServiceBell can:

  • Add the visitor as a lead in HubSpot
  • Immediately populate their visitor fields with other known information from HubSpot, Clearbit, 6Sense, and more

On top of the visitor’s email information, you can also ask:

  • Custom qualification questions (fill in the blank questions)
  • Multiple choice questions

Either question type can be used to populate visitor fields, and branch based on the visitor’s response.

For example, let’s say you want to know how many employees your visitor’s company has, and why they’re on your site.

After uncovering the visitor’s employee count, you can disqualify them, or continue the Journey and ask for their use case, all while saving their answers in ServiceBell and HubSpot contact fields, and routing to the right rep in realtime.


The Branch step allows you to create if, then statements based on the visitor’s segment, HubSpot information, answers to qualification questions, and more.

For example, let’s ask a pricing page visitor if they want to learn more about pricing:

If the visitor says yes, we’ll ask for their email before continuing the Journey, or we’ll say no worries, and end the Journey:


Branch logic is helpful when you want to:

  • Route a visitor to sales or deflect support questions
  • Qualify or disqualify visitors
  • Customize chatbot flows based on their interests

Offer a Meeting

You can offer meetings to reps at any time in a Journey. Your organization and agent meeting events are accessible directly from the Journey builder.

Once you’ve configured organization meeting event types and meeting routing rules, you can offer a meeting to website visitors.

Before you create a route for meeting step, write down the key qualification criteria you need to make sure the visitor is qualified, and you know which rep is best fit to book the meeting.

Make sure you have those key qualification questions answered previously in the Journey. Then, add a “Route for Meeting” step.

ServiceBell uses all known visitor information to offer the right rep’s calendar to visitors, so they can book meetings on the spot.

You can round robin meetings amongst a group of reps, offer the first available rep’s calendar, book group meetings with all reps, or connect visitors to a specific rep every time.

Update Visitor Fields

Once website visitors are de-anonymized, ServiceBell creates contacts and leads, which sync directly with contacts in HubSpot.

ServiceBell visitor fields track crucial visitor information like their name, company, employee count, and more. You can create visitor fields that record answers to any custom qualification you ask in a Journey. Visitor field are used for routing to the right rep, and can map directly to HubSpot contact fields.

For example, after collecting employee count, update the visitor’s Employee Count field to “11-50”.

Alert Reps

ServiceBell alerts reps when high-value visitors are ready for a pounce from reps. Pouncing on visitors increases conversion rates from visitor to opportunity, and closes deals faster.

Lead response time has a huge impact on win rates, and there’s no faster lead response time than turning a live website visitor into a realtime sales meeting, right on your website.

You can alert reps to pounce on visitors at any point in a Journey, but it’s recommended after you’ve qualified the visitor with questions and 6Sense/Clearbit Reveal data.

Alert steps connect to Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Chrome.

When visitors reach the alert step, reps are alerted and can pounce on visitors with live chat and video chat instantly, right from Slack, Teams, or Google Chrome.

Create Blocks

Coming soon

If you’re repeating the same steps over and over again across different Journeys, building every step from scratch becomes tedious

Enter blocks.

Blocks are like Journey step templates that you can copy and paste across different Journeys, saving you tons of time.

For example, let’s say you always want to qualify new visitors before you route them to your agents.

Instead of asking the same 3 questions over and over again, create a qualification block that you can re-use across multiple Journeys for new visitors.