Customizing Your Widget's Look and Feel
Intro: Before launching your widget, it's important to customize its visual design to match your branding. Follow these steps to configure the widget styling, layout, and display settings.
Global Style:
Under Style & Layout, choose "Global Style" to edit colors. Change the accent and secondary colors, add a background video/image, hide/show elements like the logo, and toggle dark mode text.
Launcher: Customize the launcher position, spacing, messages, and appearance (expanded or mini). Adjust so it doesn't cover important content.
Widget Header: Edit the header text for working hours, offline hours, and when agents are busy.
Widget Home: Toggle and reorder the "Call Us", "Chat With Us", etc buttons. Add/remove sections like Agent List and Help Center.
Conversation Settings: Configure whether to require emails, allow personal emails, hide the widget when offline, etc. Control the widget's visibility.
Display Rules: Create targeted display rules for different pages. Set conditions based on visitor location, company, etc. Then specify widget placement, visibility, and timing on those pages.
Conclusion: Customizing the visual design ensures your widget aligns with your brand. Display rules help you tailor the experience for different visitors and pages. Be sure to save your changes before publishing your widget.